The average house price on DENBEIGH TERRACE is £370,725
The most expensive house in the street is 4 DENBEIGH TERRACE with an estimated value of £433,035
The cheapest house in the street is 3 DENBEIGH TERRACE with an estimated value of £267,148
The house which was most recently sold was 6 DENBEIGH TERRACE, this sold on 30 Jun 2021 for £375,000
The postcode for DENBEIGH TERRACE is EX10 9AU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 DENBEIGH TERRACE Terraced , 117 m2 £267,148 £55,000 16 Jan 1998
4 DENBEIGH TERRACE Terraced , 87 m2 £433,035 £259,950 21 Aug 2013
5 DENBEIGH TERRACE Terraced £351,540 £187,500 29 Apr 2005
6 DENBEIGH TERRACE Terraced , 82 m2 £405,325 £375,000 30 Jun 2021
7 DENBEIGH TERRACE Terraced £396,581 £169,450 4 Jul 2003